Tuesday, October 30, 2012

We are now about 50 miles northwest of Atlanta, GA. Originally didn't mean to be here, but the super storm blew us off course. We have a little over 300 miles to go to Santee NWR. We'll be there tomorrow afternoon as long as the road doesn't rear up and slow us down.

We had lots of wind as part of the storm. Fortunately we stayed out of the mountains of NC and remained dry. We did have to cross the Cumberland Plateau which was spectacular, and we imagined even more so in the spring and earlier fall. On the drive from Nashville to Chattanooga we were headed in a SE direction, the wind was from the NW, there was relatively light traffic for major stretches, and we were listening to the Bluegrass station on satellite radio. Life was mighty fine.

Tomorrow we have to get through Atlanta. After that things should be fairly smooth sailing. I don't know who will be more glad to arrive and sit for awhile, the pets or the humans. Scout has been hiding in the 5th wheel when we get ready to go and is content to ride in the trailer bouncing down the road with all kinds of things falling down around him. Libby rides in the truck and is usually the first to get in. She definitely does not want to be left behind. Ever. So, things are near normal. However, the new normal is in GA, not MN.

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We blew into Pendleton behind a Low that had moved off to the east, but the wind and moisture wrap around was with us the entire drive. We ...