Thursday, October 25, 2012

We have again spent time with more famous men. Where are all the famous women? This time it is Lincoln. Again, as with Hoover, we have learned so much new stuff, and, as usual, we have been so impressed with the good job the National Park Service does with their properties. We have spent parts of two days in Springfield, IL mostly in the neighborhood Lincoln lived in before going to Washington. There is so much to see that we extended a day and will be  going back to a Lincoln museum tomorrow. Not sure if we are just slow readers, but I do know that we read everything.

We are now finding that taking more than 10 days to drive between MN and SC is not time enough. I worried and wondered what the heck we would do for more than 12 days to go 1,000 miles. Oh foolish man that I am.  We are recalculating and altering our routes, and we are putting off some visits by saying oh, we can get them on the way back next spring.

We are in a KOA Campground in Springfield. It is so well hidden and off the well-traveled track that we had to rely on our GPS to find the campground. Usually KOA's are next to the interstate and major railroad tracks. This one is down several ever-narrowing tracks running through pastures. But for once the GPS didn't let us down. It actually took us to the place we thought we were going to. That has not always been the case. After our arrival early yesterday afternoon, we flawlessly and smoothly set up, sat outside, and enjoyed a cold bottle of Point Octoberfest beer in our shorts. Later, for entertainment, we watched the front hood of a fairly new car get crumpled and rearranged after it ran into the back of the Class A motorhome that normally tows it. It is good to witness things like this and be reminded that we are not the only ones that have challenges as we attempt this RVing life. I can only hope my blood pressure medicine continues to do its job.

We also have been negotiating with a potential buyer for our house. We have had an offer; we have countered; we have been countered back; and we have countered the counter. We are close. It's not a pretty offer, and if it is finally accepted it will mean that we will essentially receive nothing for our house. So much for our nest eggs. If the deal goes through, it will truly feel like being homeless. Oh, I forgot, we will be homeless.  


Anonymous said...

Don't forget to visit New Salem, outside of Springfield, where young Abe spent several years minding a store, reading books, and splitting rails (really). It is a recreated town, but very well done. Tom B.

Anonymous said...

You're not really 'homeless'. It's just not the standard stuck in the ground type of home. Yours will have wheels and no lawn to mow or drive to shovel. I'm sure it must take getting used to, but don't burst my fantasy bubble about how great it would be to be full time RV'ers.

Anonymous said...

So glad to be updated on your journey. What fun it must be to see the country. Hope you don't get in the big storm that is going on now in the east. Stay safe! Karen Scott

We blew into Pendleton behind a Low that had moved off to the east, but the wind and moisture wrap around was with us the entire drive. We ...