Tuesday, November 6, 2012

It's one of our many days off, but it is cold (at least by SC standards and now our standards), cloudy, with a slight chance of rain. That means time spent at the local McDonald's doing Internet stuff. Ah, what a life we lead.

Saw our first alligator on Sunday. It was sunning itself on a bank, but by the time we got to it all we saw was the tail. It was huge. So, there was a show and great expectations but mostly disappointment. Kind-of reminds me of the Presidential race that culminates, if we are all lucky, today. Anyway, now we know of a good place to view alligators.

I'm going to attempt to add some photos so all can enjoy where we are located.

The Visitor Center with Lake Marion in the background.
 Shannon "working" at the Visitor Center.

Our home. 


Anonymous said...

Pictures are great. Oh, I'm so anxious to get there. Bobbie

Anonymous said...

The pictures are great - can't wait to get there. What is your schedule? Bobbie

Anonymous said...

Now I'm just a northern hick, but are you supposed to run up to a large alligator? Isn't that a little bit like asking a momma grizzly bear to take a picture of you holding her newborn cub? Just curious. TB

Karen Scott said...

You look so all alone there! Love seeing the pics and hearing about your adventures! Karen Scott

We blew into Pendleton behind a Low that had moved off to the east, but the wind and moisture wrap around was with us the entire drive. We ...