Sunday, January 13, 2013

The high yesterday was 81 and the same is expected today. Locals say it is 20 to 25 degrees above average. In fact 81 set an all-time record high for the date. However, for a northerner, it feels pretty darn good. High temps bring more mosquitoes, and I'd sware, noseeums. One raised on MN mosquitoes finds the SC mosquitoes a pleasurable annoyance.

Yesterday was a busy work day for Shannon and me. Today, Sunday, we have off and tomorrow we will work again. Our schedule is Fri., Sat., and Sun. It's a nice break to get a day off in our "work week." The refuge has constructed an open-air wagon with bench seats for tours. I got to drive the truck pulling the wagon. There were about 30 people on the wagon, and I'm proud to say that I kept it on the road and on top of the dikes, and didn't once experience the impoundments up close. Shannon helped hold down the VC while I was out driving; it was a busy day with 112 visitors. In the morning she and I cleaned up the wildlife trail visitor kiosk, making it look really purty for all the visitors. The kiosk and ground immediately around the kiosk hadn't been cleaned and picked up for some time. We did good and had great fun doing yard work again.

Our jobs vary. Primary responsibilities are opening and closing the VC, and staffing it when the regular local volunteers are not available. Otherwise, we do odd jobs at the whim of the staff. On Monday I'm traveling along with a staff member to pick up a boat and move it to a different location. We patrol the wildlife drive, restock visitor kiosks, pick up trash, fill and clean bird feeders, cut and clean out old grass around sign posts and gate supports, laminate handouts, and try to look official and be helpful. So far, so good.

We will likely return to Savannah this week to absorb more history and culture, as well as the local cuisine. A trip to Beaufort to immerse ourselves in its history was also highly advised. Will say more about those experiences in the future. And, I'm under strict orders from the co-author to figure out the new blog format so that I can once again post photos. You'll probably strongly agree.    

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We blew into Pendleton behind a Low that had moved off to the east, but the wind and moisture wrap around was with us the entire drive. We ...