Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Day 3. Southern Exposure. Milton, FL to Carrabelle, FL. 180.6 miles but only if you follow the log and not take the alternate route given at the last minute to avoid a toll bridge. New mileage: never did figure that one out.

And, here is the boss merrily driving the mechanical behemoth while my eyes are tightly shut and my hands are maintaining a death-grip on the arm rests. But then you should see Shannon when I'm driving.

We left about 9 a.m. and the day was long. We stopped for a couple of hours in Panama City Beach to visit with a former colleague from work, Diane and her husband Joe. We had a quick lunch with them and got to see another retirement option than the one we have chosen. It was pretty nice too. The visit was fun especially hearing Minnesotan spoken again. The route included lots of 45 mph driving through areas of strip malls and tourist traps. And, the day seemed longer having to lose an hour when we changed back to Eastern Time. All of these factors made the day long; however, we were not the last ones into the campground. We did arrive with enough time to get set up and participate in a social gathering at the Wagon Masters rig.

There was at least one calm member riding in our motor home today. We were buffeted at times and pushed along at other times by strong winds. Some of the route took us very close to the coast and the high waves being generated by the strong winds were impressive. So, the driver worked hard especially when the winds came from the side, and at times the copilot worked even harder from all the body English that had to be applied. The cat and the dog were in their own world.

Tomorrow we load up and do it all again. However, tomorrow is longer. It is 214.2 miles and ends up in Ocala, FL. We will be there for 2 nights.


Anonymous said...

One word of advice, when you get to Key West, stop! TB

Unknown said...

With all I've spent on my new motor home, I'm expecting it to drive on water. Cuba, here we come.

We blew into Pendleton behind a Low that had moved off to the east, but the wind and moisture wrap around was with us the entire drive. We ...