Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Day I'm-no-longer-sure. Southern Exposure. Camping World, ah, I mean Savannah.

Today is a free day. People are out enjoying the Savannah area. I know a few will visit the NWR. Shannon gave a talk and handed out info about the NWR. When we arrived here two days ago, we did go out to the refuge and visit with folks. It was a nice homecoming.

Yesterday we were in the city of Savannah. We had a trolley ride through the historic district. Shannon and I had done a trolley ride when we were here before, but this was a different company and different driver and slightly different things to see. Stories were similar, however. It was fun to be back in Savannah. The azaleas were blooming in the squares and the trees were more leafed out. We really like Savannah.

But, as you can see, the weather was so unlike what's expected in the southern US at this time of year. Here are 4 woman, from left to right, Iowa, Minnesota, Ontario, and Alberta. You would think folks from the north could take weather with highs in the 50's and windchill temps in the 30's. The only reason they seem to be smiling is that their teeth are chattering so badly they can't close their mouths.

As usual there was a buffet meal included in our day's activities. The activity was a cruise on the Savannah River, but we spent more time around the buffet table than cruising. One of our group had commented that she didn't realize going on one of these trips means having to get a larger jacket size. After the cruise, Shannon and I walked to the Mercer-Williams house which was almost as far away from the river front as possible and still be in the historic district. We had wanted to tour the house when we were here in February. We were under the impression that Johnny Mercer had lived there. As it turns out, his great, great grandfather started the house but no Mercer ever lived in the house. The Williams name was for the last person who owned and restored it. And, Williams was the character Kevin Spacey portrayed in the movie "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil." The film also used the house as the set. So, it was an interesting tour.

Today, we are sitting at Camping World getting some things adjusted in the motor home and putting breaks on the car. It isn't our idea of a fun day, but at least we have seen lots of Savannah and the area, and it is a good opportunity to take the motor home back to the dealer after an extensive shake down cruise. We actually may end up staying the night at Camping World and leaving for Charleston tomorrow.

The next 3 days will be in Charleston. We look forward to going back there, and we will get a chance to see my niece, April. So onward. Always.

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