Monday, March 11, 2013

Days 15 and 16. Southern Exposure. Key West, FL.

On Sunday evening we took a sunset dinner cruise in the Gulf. The wind was too strong to go out very far or to go into the Atlantic; so, we cruised around near the shore. We did get to see the sights, and then we saw the sights again, and then again, and then...

I tried to do what I do best: make sure I didn't go hungry. Food was good and plentiful, and the tickets included all the beer, margaritas, etc. you can drink. After the sun had set and we were heading back in, a large group of mostly women danced to a DJ playing music from the women's younger years. It was fun watching Shannon in a circle of women as they all shuffled and swayed to the beat of the music and remembered the movements to the song "YMCA." We guys were much cooler. We stood around the outside leaning up against the boat railing holding our drinks and watching. Hey, that's exactly what we did in 8th grade...minus the drinks, of course. It was our way of feeling younger.

Monday was a free day. We spent as much time as we could in the historic Key West and out on the water. Our only limitation was the bladder of our 14-year old Westie. We did do a 2 hour glass bottom boat ride to view the barrier reef in the Atlantic. However, it was too windy, and we stayed in the Gulf. The Gulf does not have a barrier reef as the Atlantic does and so the viewing was not too spectacular. The views on deck were much more spectacular. We then did as much walking around as possible in Key West, absorbing the experience and trying to ignore the spring breakers as much as we could. We did eat at a sea food restaurant, and the pecan-crusted snapper and fish tacos were to die for. Just when we think we have had the ultimate meal and there can't be any future meal as good as the last one, we eat another fantastic meal that was indeed the best we have had so far. Ah, if only we had 20-year old stomachs and metabolism. But we do what we can do.

On our free time on Sunday, we visited a botanical garden that was close by. Whenever we see a sign for a botanical garden, it is like a giant magnet and our pockets are full of iron. The garden was so-so, but they did have an area of unusual palms. This one is a Cuban Petticoat Palm.

We wish we had at least one more day in Key West. Nah, make that one more week. But tomorrow is our next travel day, and we head to Fort Lauderdale. It is close to 200 miles and will be a challenging trip, but waiting for us at the end of the trail will be a staff-prepared meal of Jambalaya and key lime pie. That's incentive enough to keep us moving.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All these pictures of flowers and palm trees and warm breezes are starting to make me sick...We are up to our keisters in snow drifts up here. Below zero wind chills, ice skating rinks that used to be freeways....Did you leave a curse on us up here? Ok, go ahead have another marguerita....we can take it....TB

We blew into Pendleton behind a Low that had moved off to the east, but the wind and moisture wrap around was with us the entire drive. We ...