Sunday, April 21, 2013

Just a quick note to say we are alive and well and still traveling. We have been visiting family and friends, doing tourist stuff, and treading water waiting for spring to return to someplace, anyplace where we want to go. Alas, we are finding that spring has refused to show up, and so we have been delaying heading to SD and MN until at least the sap starts running.

Reality did finally catch up with us. Witness the aftermath of a huge least by our standards. The snow found us in Findlay, OH while visiting the A's. Their hospitality and friendship kept us warm, and obviously by the picture we needed all the help we could get keeping warm.

Since I last posted anything, we have visited Shenandoah NP in Virginia, Gettysburg Battlefield and Eisenhower farm in PA, my brother and sister-in-law again in PA, my cousin and her husband in NY, the A's in OH, and my niece in IN. The visits have been wonderful and have been well worth the effort to take such a sinuous route to MN. We have had to make use of maps, the GPS, telephone directions, moss on tree trunks, and whispered directions in dark alleys in the wee hours of the morning to find our way. Not everything is on the Internet. Our plans are to be in Sioux Falls, SD on Tuesday and back to MN by Friday. We were contacted and told that we were not required quite so early for campground hosting in MN because the campground opening had been delayed. And so we keep treading water looking for warmer weather, winds that push us along the road instead of across the road, and roads the truckers have yet to find. .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG how did you survive that blizzard? They still have 20 inches of snow and 30 inches of ice on Lake Bemidji, so it might be open by June, if we are lucky. TB

We blew into Pendleton behind a Low that had moved off to the east, but the wind and moisture wrap around was with us the entire drive. We ...