Sunday, May 12, 2013

"Life is good when you are living in a park," our friend Sherry, another full time RVer we met on the road, use to say. And, there is a lot of truth to the saying. However living in a park in MN does have its challenges.

Another weekend, another cold snap. High temps may have gotten into the 50's on Saturday (opening fishing season in MN with ice still on northern lakes), but the wind chill must have been in the minus-degree range. Everyone in the campground was hunkered down like they know so well to do from spending winters in MN. And then the power went off. Apparently the entire park, and we were told 300 homes around the park, were without electricity, and that lasted 4-5 hours. We did get to test out our generator and it performed flawlessly. If the electricity had stayed off much longer, we may have had a motorhome full of campers. As one camper Shannon talked to this morning as she was packing up to leave said, "Thank God the weekend is over." Ah, life is good living in a park, especially when you know you can pack up and return to a dry, warm house.

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