Saturday, July 13, 2013

My devoted readers, all two of them, are insisting that I get off my retirement rear-end and post a new entry on my blog. With such overwhelming support, I can't let all my faithful readers down and I'm forced to admit that this retirement life style is pretty easy and carefree, and it does lead to a lot of time in a rear-end down position. So, it's up and at 'em, and it's blog time.

We moved back to the William O'Brien State Park where we spent May campground hosting. We will be here through the month once again campground hosting. It's a good gig; it pays our way, and it positions us close to our medical staff for the routine, but necessary, old people type visits. This month it is mostly for me; in May Shannon spent her time getting probed and prodded, aligned and adjusted, oiled and lubricated ready for another 12,000 miles. July is my turn. The first week I had my annual physical, and just this week I had a colonoscopy. Details are not forth coming, but I can tell you the procedure was not related to the retirement rear-end mentioned above. Then it is back to the dentist and then onto the eye doctor. Somehow all of this will only stop when we finally get out of Minnesota and go somewhere else. I've also had my second bout of Lyme disease which makes me think now I know I'm really back home in Minnesota.

Coming back to William O'Brien SP allowed us to be closer to both our sons. We actually celebrated the 4th of July all together and there is soil that is younger than the last time we all were together. Rhys was without his family because he had to stay back and work while they celebrated their traditional 4th at his in-law's farm in western Minnesota; so, he said he had time to come and see us. Kedric visits quite often; so, coordination to make it a foursome was quite easy. It was a wonderful time, and we hope that it will be repeated again with grandkids and spouses next time. BTW, the picture from left to right: Shannon, Kedric, Rhys, and the young one, Alan. See any family resemblances besides most of us having most of our hair on our chins?

And here we are again, but this time I'm taking the picture. The new guy in the middle is Paul a.k.a. Pollen, Kedric's partner. And speaking of spouses, Kedric and Pollen will become official, legal spouses on September 7. After MN approved same sex marriage and even before the Supreme Court ruling on DOMA, a wedding was talked about. The decision was made to have the wedding in early September because Pollen's parents were coming for a visit and we would still be in MN but shortly thereafter leaving for the year. Matrimonial plans are firming up. Now if I can only keep one of the mothers mouth shut and get her to wear beige, things should go off without any hitches.

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