Monday, January 6, 2014

It was 7 above this morning. Minnesota folks have nothing to complain about. All the years we lived in Bemidji during the period of time when winters were winters, the current sub zero temps in MN were just a normal winter day. About now we would be zipping up our light jackets. MN closing schools today and warning people to stay inside? Wimps.

But White Sands at 7 degrees above zero in a motorhome is almost like living at Antarctica in nylon tents. We have our auxiliary propane tank and not too far to go to fill up our main propane tank if fuel starts to get low. So far, so good. However, we are still looking for warm New Mexico. Of course once the sun comes up, it warms up nicely. Right now at 10:45 a.m. its in the 30's. That's bearable.

On Saturday we had our first shadow session for the Sunset Stroll talk. The sunset was not spectacular at all, but it was our first time walking on the dunes and we got to hear and see the presentation that we will be expected to do next week. We attended a staff meeting on Friday and learned that we have to prepare an outline of our presentation, and it is due a day before we go prime time. My, my this is getting to be like a job.

Sunday was our first day off. Shannon wants to get involved in a church looking especially to participate in a choir. There are two Lutheran churches in Alamogordo and one of them is even an ELCA. There is a much larger Methodist Church in town, and it has a more robust music program. So, we headed to the Methodist Church but were late and went to IHOP instead. But we did follow breakfast by attending the Lutheran Church. Now she thinks she wants to get involved there because she feels guilty that they may need more voices in their choir. Me? I'm in it for the IHOP.

We start 4 days of work. There was a change in our schedule since the last time I wrote. We work Mon. - Thur. with Fri. - Sun. off. Not bad. Right now Shannon is working and I don't start until 12:30. It varies day to day, but it does seem we will have schedules that will allow us to spend more time corralling Tuzi. Now that's a BIG job.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's 1/23, and today we woke up to temp of -1. So you are having desert temperatures, eh? Talked with April this AM, and she said it is FREEZING in SC, in the 40s! Hm. Interesting to read about your experiences in White Sands. Mel and I visited there but didn't really spend much time. My most vivid memory of it is the huge dunes that looked like snow banks and folks sledding down them. Hope that your new puppy is getting adjusted and behaving. I'm sure that you two veteran dog owners will have no trouble in that department. ~Kathie

We blew into Pendleton behind a Low that had moved off to the east, but the wind and moisture wrap around was with us the entire drive. We ...