Friday, May 15, 2015

We made it to Ridgway State Park yesterday, Thursday May 14. It was a day earlier than we had planned, but after checking the weather forecast, which we don’t always do, and seeing that a winter storm advisory was issued for today, we decided to skedaddle our tails out of the desert, go over the mountains, and get settled in before the snow came. It has today. In addition to snow we have had rain, hail, sunshine and 20-degree swings of temperatures. Just a typical day in the mountains of Colorado.

Every once in awhile, the clouds part and we can catch a glimpse of snow covered peaks. And during those brief glimpses it is easy to see the snow coverage has increased from what we saw yesterday. Or, we might be looking at different mountains. Easy to do when you only get a brief and periodic glimpse.

This is the view from our campsite as we look toward the lake.

And this is the view out our door in the evening. I think we are in the right place.

Backing up, we left PEFO on schedule last Saturday, May 9 and made it to Albuquerque by early afternoon. We had a delightful visit with Mary and Beth, Shannon’s brother-in-law’s nieces, and ate good food in Mary’s backyard. Shannon had her appointment with the cardiologist the next day, and he differed from the cardiologist in South Carolina by diagnosing Shannon’s condition as A-fib. He prescribed a blood thinner, kept her on the heart medicine she had hoped to get off of, and then recommended she undergoes an A-fib ablation. Tentatively that will happen in September when we are between volunteer gigs. Conveniently, our next gig is south of Albuquerque; so, she’ll have the procedure done when we are passing through. Likely we’ll actually stop for it rather than have it in the motor home as we drive down the highway.

Back to the present, we start our orientation tomorrow and Sunday, and then we will be fully certified campground hosts for Ridgway State Park. And another new chapter of our Great Adventure begins.

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