Friday, June 12, 2015

Mountains are still here and the scenery remains spectacular.

Shannon however isn’t…here, that is. She flew back to MN on Tuesday and will return next Tuesday. Her trip is not all fun, although hopefully she is also having some of that. She is working, working, working. Or so she tells me. Our remaining few material possessions in this world that are not directly tied to our motor home are stored at Kedric’s in Minneapolis. Kedric and Pollen sold their home and are moving to Portland, OR, you know the place where the sun never shines… So, we have to do something with our MN stuff. Shannon has been through many iterations of sorting, giving away, and disposing of our stuff. So she is an expert. But for this final stash of goods, I’m sure it is hard to make those decisions again. She can’t really bring much back with her on the plane although she did take along an extra bag and will fill it and check it when she flies back if necessary. Anything that survives the final cut, she will haul to Rhys’s for another round of storage. In between making decisions about our stuff, she is visiting with friend and will spend the weekend at Rhys’s getting a grandkid-fix.

As for me and Not-My-Idea, we’re still here doing our thing. Not-My-Idea misses Her Human. I’m gonna keep sending pictures of Colorado mountains to Her Human in hopes that the mountains will be a stronger draw than grand kids and she’ll come back to see us. Tuzi will be jumping for joy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It appears that the mountains are interfering with your internet connection, as I have not seen a update in a month of Sundays, well OK, a week of Sundays.....the NSA

We blew into Pendleton behind a Low that had moved off to the east, but the wind and moisture wrap around was with us the entire drive. We ...