Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Wow! Based on the response from my previous blog post, there are a lot of closeted bland people that trip over this blog. And I thought readers were more the salsa types. It's obvious that I can't run away from this blog. Who knows how many other people that may come across this blog and are still in the closet and have no place to get their bland on but right here. (In keeping with the bland, I hope you noticed and appreciated that I used a period for punctuation for that last sentence rather than a bold exclamation point. Hope you can keep up.)

Speaking of bland, we had lefse for breakfast this morning. On Christmas Eve, a snowbird from Minnesota heard that the substitute organist was from Minnesota and presented Shannon a gift of lefse. And this was no store-bought lefse. This was lefse made in someone's kitchen or a Lutheran church basement by rosy-cheeked seniors with Norwegian sweaters. Lefse is one of the bland foods one eats when in Minnesota, but it is so good. Some butter and cinnamon sugar rolled up in lefse, and one forgets temporarily the joys of eating pie for breakfast.

So, bland is looking pretty good right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the bland!!! Ken and Bobbie.

We blew into Pendleton behind a Low that had moved off to the east, but the wind and moisture wrap around was with us the entire drive. We ...