Sunday, November 25, 2012

It's Sunday morning and we're sitting in McDonald's getting caught up. It's amazing how many people stop by here for a potty break and maybe some food to go as they head north and south, but today mostly north. Santee and McDonald's is located on I-95, the major north-south artery. It's a great place to see lots of car licenses from states other than SC. Ah, the important things a roadie has to do. I remember as a kid when traveling trying to see how many different license plates I could see. What goes around, comes around.

We spent two days with family in the Charleston area. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity to share time with family who we have not gathered with for many a year. We missed not seeing our own kids, but by the end of the day we actually did see them. Shannon used Face Time on her I-phone to connect to both our kids, and they got to visit with cousins and uncles and aunts and visa versa. So, the day was complete. And the food; oh my gosh! Drew and April love to entertain and cook, and we all benefited from their skills, abilities, and hospitality. Drew makes his own beer and sausage. What more could I ask for? And, the pig stomach, or "hog maw" in SC, was wonderful as usual.

We came "home" Thursday night ready to go to "work" Friday and to make sure our cat was doing OK by himself. He was. He seemed to say, "Were you gone?" Back to the grind on Friday and Saturday. We had 20-plus visitors each day; so, it was a little heavier than normal. We were able to complete one of our projects, or Shannon was able to complete one of our projects. The weather is now cool with occasional frost showing up on the roof of the Visitor Center in the mornings. If the sun is out during the day, it warms into the 50's and 60's. So, if we are going to do any painting we have to pick our days, and Friday and Saturday worked very nicely.

The object was to paint anti-skid strips on the steps of the Visitor Center. Shannon mixed silica into black paint, made a stencil, and then painted away. The hardest parts of the job were getting down on her knees, and then getting up off her knees, and the part of just being on her knees. It was a tough job. I, of course, supervised and documented.

This week we look forward to finally completing our house sale. It has been a twisted and complex journey so far. And, we still don't know if all the t's will be crossed, and we are fairly certain there will be a few i's undotted. But closing is Friday, November 30. Here's hoping we become homeless on Friday afternoon.


Anonymous said...

Ken and I always play the license plate whenever we head out on a long trip. Just admit it there's still a lot of 'kid' left in all of us. When it's gone we're just plain OLD. And that's not going to happen anytime soon. Bobbie

Lillian Baker said...

Sounds like you and Shannon have settled in just fine. And you, Alan, continue to 'supervise and document' others' work...glad to see nothing has changed!

We blew into Pendleton behind a Low that had moved off to the east, but the wind and moisture wrap around was with us the entire drive. We ...