Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Eighty-four empty plastic hangers. We discovered a new measure of our progress in moving out of our house. Count the hangers before we donate them. Eight-four. Of course 81 of them were Shannon's and 3 were mine.. Hooks and piles in the corner work just fine.

The house is now pretty much devoid of large items. We are now dealing with the DREADED-SMALL-STUFF. It's amazing how much work and effort you put into moving out the large items in the house and you think you are almost done when you look around and you are overwhelmed by all the DREADED-SMALL-STUFF. I have two theories about the DREADED-SMALL-STUFF. One is that it purposely hides behind all the large stuff so that you never see it until the large items are removed. Or, by removal of the large items more breeding space is created for the DREADED-SMALL-STUFF, and what you see when the large items are gone are increased numbers of DREADED-SMALL-STUFF because there are multiple new generations of the STUFF. It makes it much more difficult to be finally done moving because the DREADED-SMALL-STUFF is breeding and increasing. And you can never get a full truck load of DREADED-SMALL-STUFF, so STUFF rolls around or falls over or blows about as you go down the road. When you get back with an empty pickup, you're amazed at how much DREADED-SMALL-STUFF is still left even in the rooms you swore were empty an hour ago when you left for the storage. Ah, to be on the open road.

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