Friday, October 12, 2012

So far I've talked about the big-stuff, the DREADED-SMALL-STUFF, but I have not mentioned the really-important-stuff. Oh, there indeed is really-important-stuff. Last couple of days we have taken our final loads to Kedric's (our youngest son), and those loads contained really-important-stuff. Included were several large trash cans full of finished compost, along with our compost bins. Surely anyone who has gardened knows this is really-important-stuff.

It's in the low 20's this morning and the south calls. Why are we hanging around here? All the smart, experienced, full-time RVers have probably already left and are checking the weather conditions back home feeling smug about their decision to leave before such obscene low temperatures occur. Our RV is parked in our driveway, and we are starting to pack it and make adjustments to it. The water for the most part has been drained in anticipation of cold weather and leaving, but the water heater is full and there may be a few stray water molecules hanging around. We turned on the gas and the furnace last night with the thermostat set at 55 just in case.

Today the plan is to begin moving some of the last few remaining pieces of furniture to our storage including our bed frame and head and foot boards. We will keep the mattress and box spring until next Thursday (trash day), but they will be on the floor. Scout, our cat, will have no place to hide and that  should ,make it easier when we leave and he can't get away from us. For a few days, our dog, Libby, will be able to get on the bed without being lifted onto it. So, the animals will have some adjusting to do. They ain't seen nothin' yet....

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We blew into Pendleton behind a Low that had moved off to the east, but the wind and moisture wrap around was with us the entire drive. We ...