Monday, October 15, 2012

Emery boards and cough drops. Now that we are shinning the light in every nook and cranny in our house, Shannon has been amazed at how many emery boards and cough crops she is finding. You know you are getting close to the end when unexpected emery boards appear and cough drop stashes are discovered.

Today was contraction day. We have pretty much moved out of the upper and lower levels in the house and are now living, and the term "living" is loosely used in this context, on the middle level of the house. The upper and lower levels are carpeted, and carpets on both levels were shampooed today. The middle level is laminate flooring and that is where we are now mostly hanging out. This is almost like living in an RV. We could sped some time in our RV but it is parked in our driveway which slants significantly downward toward the street. Maybe "slants significantly" is hyperbole, but I do tend to get a nosebleed when I'm in the back of our RV and my ears pop when I move to the front.

Our day of leaving is still scheduled for Thursday. Weather forecast is for cold and very windy. Windy conditions are not the most favorite thing when lumbering down the highway unless it is at your back. But RVing seems to be much like bicycling. No matter what direction the wind is blowing when you are on your bike, it's always blowing in your face and you have to pump like crazy to stay upright. When RVing you are either driving into the wind and you actually watch the gas needle go down, or the wind is from the side and you are more crabbing than driving down the road. So, adventure awaits us at every turn.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Trying again

We blew into Pendleton behind a Low that had moved off to the east, but the wind and moisture wrap around was with us the entire drive. We ...