Sunday, October 14, 2012

Yesterday it rained. Well, saying it rained is taking license with the concept. During a drought, anything that falls out of the sky is celebrated as rain. A flock of grackles flying overhead having just engorged themselves with mulberries might also fit the concept. Suffice it to say it was wet for most of the day and no hauling was done. Most of the focus was inside the RV packing and doing some retrofitting. Shannon's thing is hooks and racks. So, more hardware was added to walls, doors, and inside cabinets.

Yesterday, too, the CEO and CFO held a high level planning and strategy meeting at McDonald's. Plans were reviewed, altered, and then agreed upon. Today they were altered again. As it stands now, we will leave on Thursday instead of Friday which will give us another day to get to our destination and will put more pressure on me to slow down and act more like a retired RVer rather than someone with a limited number of vacation days, many miles to go, and a full agenda.

Today was one of those Fall days that makes you wish Fall would last forever. Two loads were hauled to storage, and we think the second trip was our penultimate trip before leaving. We are way more than ready to be done with this and be on the move.

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We blew into Pendleton behind a Low that had moved off to the east, but the wind and moisture wrap around was with us the entire drive. We ...