Tuesday, October 2, 2012

It's October 2, 2012 and I'm trying to figure out how to set up a blog. Exciting, huh? Hopefully I'll figure it out and be able to post things that are informative, perhaps witty, probably not wise, but maybe sometimes helpful. At least the plan is to try to keep track of our travels and new adventures as full-time RVers or as some fear just more homeless people.

We have our house up for sale and are packing, giving away, selling, and throwing away most of our worldly possessions. It is scary at times but feels mighty good most other times. It's a lifetime of stuff; most of it is remembered but barely because we haven't seen, heard, or used it in decades. So, why keep it? Less for our kids to agonize over and get frustrated with after we are gone. As usual we are just doing this for the kids...

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We blew into Pendleton behind a Low that had moved off to the east, but the wind and moisture wrap around was with us the entire drive. We ...