Thursday, October 4, 2012

Weather has changed. Wind is up; leaves are down. The good news is that all the leaves in my yard have blown into my neighbor's yard to the east. The bad news is that all the leaves in my neighbor's yard to the west have blown into my yard. Ah, the balance of nature.

Perhaps this is time to take care of some business that should have been addressed on my first post. This is Alan Jones's blog but more correctly it is Alan and Shannon's blog. I will do most of the musing but Shannon will directly contribute at times and indirectly more often as she stands behind me telling me what to write or leaning down looking over my shoulder pointing out all my typo errors. So, this is our blog; not Alan's blog.

Our name in our address is "bluestemroadies." This was chosen quickly as I was confronted with having to provide a unique address when setting up the blog. So, perhaps this is not the most descriptive address, but it does have meaning. In our travels, especially all the time spent in MN State Parks, we have renewed our acquaintances with the Tall Grass Prairie and have fallen in love with all those patches that have been reclaimed and reseeded to prairie. And then on our travels south we have also spent time in the Short Grass Prairie also falling in love with that biome. Prominent plants in the Tall Grass Prairie are big and little bluestems. When we traveled south we also discovered bushy bluestem and seacoast bluestem. Even though there are some different genera involved with these bluestems, they are similar and we really like the plants; hence, "bluestem" in our address. And, of course, we are going full time on the road and have become "roadies." So, it's "bluestemroadies." Sorry if this is more than you bargained for...

And, finally, if I can do it, I'll add a picture of the thing that consumes all of our energy and attention.

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We blew into Pendleton behind a Low that had moved off to the east, but the wind and moisture wrap around was with us the entire drive. We ...