Monday, October 29, 2012

We arrived in Horse Cave, KY on Friday and are staying at a KOA for two nights. It is close to Mammoth Cave and Lincoln's birthplace. We've got a two-for-one. Right now I'm sitting in a McDonald's at a Love's Truck Stop accessing their WiFi and trying to do this in the midst of a loud TV covering the super storm and the loud, talkative customers. Beats being in Lino Lakes, however.

We spent Friday night in a Walmart parking lot in Owensboro, KY. This is not usually the most luxurious of accommodations but the price was right. I think it cost us $.88 for a gallon of water. Can't beat those rates for a night stop over.

We left Springfield, IL on Saturday morning and our first objective was the shrine of another famous, dead, white guy. Where ARE the women? It was George Rogers Clark National Historic Park at Vincennes, IN. I was thinking William Clark, but got a whole different person. George was the older brother of William and along with a band of 175 Long Knives defeated the British holding the Northwest Territory at the site of the historic park. In the 1930's a huge monument to Clark was erected because without his heroic effort Canada would be larger today and George's kid brother would not have tagged along with Merriweather Lewis on their trip to the Pacific. Clark's crossing of the Wabash in February of 1779 made Washington's crossing of the Delaware seem like a Sunday afternoon picnic cruise. Anyway, George was a big deal and a big-ass monument was erected to honor him. We thought it was Vincennes's water reservoir, albeit very fancy, when we first drove into town. It was very impressive.

Since arriving in Horse Cave, KY, we've made two forays underground and visited Lincoln's birthplace. We now have to make tracks to SC. We agreed to be there on Wednesday. We were going to go through NC and Asheville, but snow in the mountains will probably have us detour more westerly and go south through Georgia.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There was another famous white guy from Vincennes; William Henry Harrison (our president for about an hour and a half). Hope you paid him homage as well. TB

We blew into Pendleton behind a Low that had moved off to the east, but the wind and moisture wrap around was with us the entire drive. We ...