Saturday, October 6, 2012

Yesterday was clothing-decision day. Hey! This is a big deal. It's a painful deal. Usually can't be done in one attempt unless one is in the right mood and frame of mind. It's an iterative process. You make the first pass through your closet and pick out the clothing you are either going to take, store, donate, or toss. After making the choices and sorting, you realize there is still a heck of a lot of clothing hanging in the closet. You then do the selection again. And again. And...well, you get the picture. Pretty soon you are so tired of making decisions, you go have a Big Mac and see Looper.

Fortunately, I was in the mood and got the job done. The pile to donate was probably larger than the other 3 piles. Way to go!!! And, I suspect that when I get into the storage sometime in the future, there will be more to donate.

Unfortunately, Shannon could not finish. Of course she has a magnitude or more of stuff that I don't have. She has way more decisions to make. So, she'll be back at it again today, but she thought the Big Mac was way good. I remind her that we are not going to a third world country for years and years. If undecided, store it. We will have access to our storage every time we come back to MN. And, I'm betting that we will find places to augment our clothing wardrobes when we are on the road. But she still had and has lots of decisions to make.

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