Sunday, November 11, 2012

Ah, finally another blog post. And that means McDonald's. We are getting an engraved nameplate on the booth where we do our WiFi. However, senior coffees can only buy us so much free time and we will probably get the boot soon. Ah, the life of a roadie.

It's been in the 30's this week when we wake up but warming nicely into the 60's and 70's during the day. I must say the weather has been very favorable here so far. No frost. No nor'easters. No hurricanes. No snow. Just nice weather.

We have been introduced to SC barbecue. It is very different than what we are use to in TX and Famous Dave's. Depends where you go, the barbecue has either a vinegary taste or a mustard taste. Both kind-of tangy. Good, but so far I'm sticking with Dave's. Of course we'll keep sampling. The sides are usually rice with hash to put over it, catfish stew, and maybe if you are lucky you might get shrimp and grits. Come to think of it, Dave's does have a ways to go.

Visitor Center has been kind of slow. On Friday I counted the UPS delivery person as a visitor. Desperate times leads to desperate measures. Since it was the Friday leading into a Federal holiday on  Monday, the refuge was closed down early. Since we as volunteers have no life and nothing to do, we kept "working." On Saturday we dutifully opened the VC and did visit with a few more folks than we had on Thursday and Friday combined.

We also started to do some projects. Shannon is working on a new native plant area that was established right before we arrived. Of course they did it all wrong... So, there is amply opportunity for her to do her thing. I did some trail maintenance and blew leaves off the boardwalks and in the VC parking area. It was way too much fun to be called work. But I'm proud to say without us these critical jobs would not get done.

We are off to see my niece, April, in the Charleston area today. Look forward to getting reacquainted and to start to experience the Charleston area.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad you are getting other things to do. The weather sounds really nice compared to ours. Enjoy Charleston - we're looking forward to getting there at some point also. Bobbie

We blew into Pendleton behind a Low that had moved off to the east, but the wind and moisture wrap around was with us the entire drive. We ...