Saturday, June 1, 2013

Another month, another state park.

We are now the campground hosts at Lake Bemidji State Park. Having lived in Bemidji for 18 years it kind of feels like coming back home again. Having been away from Bemidji for 18 years, if feels like visiting a new and strange place. We still have to ask, "Where are we again?" However, some routines never change. We had our normal Saturday morning breakfast at McDonald's, and it was at the old McDonald's, not the new McDonald's across town.

We celebrated Shannon's 63rd birthday today. I know you are not suppose to reveal a woman's true age, but as old as we are getting, age now comes with bragging rights. Besides, it's one more year closer to Medicare and significantly lower monthly premiums. So, let the celebration of age continue.

We left William O'Brien State Park yesterday about 3 hours later than what we had originally planned. Shannon had pulled apart some wires on the driver's chair, and we could not move it into position to drive until we spliced together the wires. When living the RV life, you always expect something to go wrong or to breakdown. But not being able to move the drivers seat far enough away from the steering wheel to operate the motor home was probably on the bottom of our list of things that we might expect to go wrong. We are learning that surprises are the rule and to expect that anything can and will go wrong.

We enjoyed our stay at William O'Brien SP. Staff was wonderful, it was a beautiful place to experience the return of a reluctant spring, and it was well suited for doing all the personal things we had on our to-do list. We saw doctors and dentists more times than expected, got my hearing aid fixed, cleaned out our storage unit so that we could move into a smaller one and pay less, sold a bike carrier at the last minute, visited with old friends and neighbors, and Shannon had cataract surgery. In July when we are back in the area, I have one more dentist appointment, will see the eye doctor, and get a physical. After that we will be band-aided back together ready for another year of being and doing something somewhere.

We are in Bemidji for the month of July and will probably extend through the first week in July. Spring is several weeks behind what it was at William O'Brien and that makes it fun to see spring develop again. We will be back in the Lino Lakes area for part of July, and then onto Beaver Creek Valley State Park in far southeastern MN for the month of August. The rhythm of life keeps pulsating, and where there is movement there is life.


Anonymous said...

Ah yes-Murphy's Law is alive and well. But did you know about O'malleys' Corollary to Murphy? O'malley says Murphy was an optimist! I've been there. from Ken

Unknown said...

Yes, beware of a corollary. It can be almost as bad as a coronary.

We blew into Pendleton behind a Low that had moved off to the east, but the wind and moisture wrap around was with us the entire drive. We ...