Monday, August 31, 2015

Lately we have been immersing ourselves in two of our most favorite blogs from friends we have met on the road. One blog is from Sherry. We met Sherry on our first volunteer gig at Seminole Canyon State Park in TX in 2010. She has been influential in our decision to sell all and go full time on the road. Yes, we are still friends. She has volunteered longer and in more places than we have, and she has spent a stint in the Peace Corps when she needed a break from volunteering. Her blog is a laugh out loud accounting of her daily adventures, observations, and trials. It’s loaded with pictures, organized so that it is easy to navigate, and has a variety of text forms from narrative paragraphs to one-liners to keep a reader’s interest.

The other blog is from Dick. We met Dick when we were at Padre Island National Seashore in 2011. He was not an RV volunteer but lived in a house on the mainland and simply was one of the locals that helped out. Sometime after we left, he and his wife sold everything and became vagabonds, but not in an RV but in all kinds of other forms of transportation. They have spent all of their time in Latin America, the Caribbean area, and are now in Europe. His blog is more formal than Sherry’s but his prose is often lyrical, and he describes the history of the areas he  explores in ways that transports the reader in time and place.

Both blogs are a joy to experience and both inspire me and put me to shame. And so either swelled up with inspiration or deflated flat from shame, I give you the latest blog entry.

This summer campground hosting has been a long sleeper. Having very little productive things to do besides shoveling out fire pits and watching the crested wheatgrass grow, I had time to watch the hair on the back of my hands turn grey and work on my mustache. However, I had to sacrifice the hair on my head to be able to add to my 'stache. 

And, there was even time left over to work on my smile, but you’re probably thinking as I’m thinking, maybe a little more time might be required to perfect that winning smile.

At this point you’re probably sensing the inspiration that I’m laboring under in this blog writing business. You’d be wrong. Blog-shame is overwhelming the inspiration. I think I need to revisit Sherry and Dick again.

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